Genova Musica Association



Genova Musica, a new reality in the cultural context of Genoa, offering an high quality and advanced musical training, which is equal to the one of the best Academies.
The main purpose is to give young graduated and worthy students a chance to enter the professional concert world, through monthly Annual Master Classes.
The Genova Musica academy includes well known and international professional teachers; a certificate of participation will be provided, that constitutes a scoring element for rankings and competitions.

Actual students must pass an admission examination.
Classes are opened to listeners, which are free from admission examination.
During next years other instruments classes will be extended and the number of students will increase.

Download the association’s statute in .pdf format

Main purposes

  • The promotion and the diffusion of musical culture for the large audience through concert-classes, listening guides, open classes;
  • Every initiative will be created in order to valorize, spread and understand the culture of music;
  • Create interregional, national and international collaborations with equal and similar realities;
  • Link the association with public and private administrations in order to cooperate and create spaces suitable for training,fruition and diffusion of the culture of music.
  • Encourage international exchanges,mutual knowledge, solidarity and respect between different people and cultures, as well as promote the values of equality and democracy and the defense of human rights;
  • Organize advanced training lessons, seminars and master classes;
  • Organize concerts, festivals, multidisciplinary shows, prizes, competitions and musical events of all kinds;
  • Organize meetings, debates, congresses, conferences, exhibitions, projections;
  • Organize initiatives addressed to all levels schools;
  • The realization of musical productions and videos and their diffusion on medias;
  • The publication of editorial works aimed at enhancing particular aspects of musical culture in paper form, web or audio / video;
  • The formation of orchestras, ensembles and different musical groups with the aim of encouraging the meeting and dialogue between artists, repertoires and different musical genres;
  • The promotion of multidisciplinary exchanges and the productions of shows capable of unify music, theatre, dancing, literature and every other forms of artistic expression;
  • The production of live streaming events and the audio/video record of them.

Academic board

Elisa Tomellini

Elisa Tomellini


Founder and director of the Association.

Founders and members of the Board:

Artistic direction:

by Luca Franzetti and Elisa Tomellini

Want to join the association?



Moreover, the Association provides a concert offer, held by our professional teachers and best academy students; these are going to happen during the academic year: the locations are agreed with Comune di Genova (the municipality of the city) in order to valorize the areas considered to be of public interest by the city administration.

During the year there will also be extra classes with guest concertists, outstanding personalities in the international music scene.
Conferences and musicological insights seminars will be offered not only to students but to an open audience too.

Visit the News page and stay updated


During the 2019, from January to June , three classes will be activated.


resident teacher Massimo Quarta
8 students admitted


resident teacher Luca Franzetti
8 students admitted


resident teacher Simone Pedroni
8 students admitted

Would you like more informations about the masterclasses?


Phone: +39 340 8066480 — Email: